Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What Do You Think About?

Try this little experiment with me. Set a timer to go off in 2 minutes, and then just sit and think. After 2 minutes, think about what you thought about.

Did you think about…

·         What you have to do today
·         Worries you have
·         Your plans this week
·         How someone else is doing
·         The show you watched last night
·         How you wish your blog were doing better
·         How your house got so messy….

We think all the time. Often our thoughts are numb, though. Frequently, our thoughts are all about the practical, about our feelings, and, well….me and mine.

God’s thoughts on our thoughts?

  • ·         Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor 10:5)
  • ·         Think on: “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy…” (Phil 4:8)
  • ·         Meditate on His precepts and promises (Joshua 1:8, for one…)
  • ·         Bind His Words on our hearts and minds (Deut 6:8)
  • ·         Grow in knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:18)

For you and I to obey these teachings, we have to start by getting our brains off of auto-pilot. Our thoughts have to become….thoughtful. Purposeful. Turned toward the Lord. Willing to learn and listen. Reflective. Focused less on earthly things and more on things above (Col 3:2.)

Unfortunately, just as our hearts don’t change because we tell them to our minds don’t either. To have thoughts that glorify, grow us, and put us in the presence of the Lord, we have to humbly ask. We have to see our error as our minds wander and switch into prayer.

That’s where praying without ceasing, setting our minds on things above, and thinking on “these things” all merge together and align.

We can begin by paying more attention to our thoughts. Pushed and pulled by the things we face and encounter moment by moment, our thoughts are often aimless and chaotic, lacking in direction and ultimate purpose.

Rather than “correcting our thinking” though, we can give the Lord our attention.

Remember in the moment that He is with you, hears you, and involved. The conversation can be constant, and as a result of being near to God, your thoughts will change. It’s inevitable.

Time your 2 minutes of thought again, but give your thoughts direction: turn them toward the Lord. 


  1. Giving the Lord my attention rather than trying to correct my thinking - what a wonderful suggestion! I can do that! Thank you so much for your encouraging message. Visiting this morning at #RaRaLinkup.

  2. Such a great reminder! I found my mind wandering during the sermon in church last weekend. Thankfully, I realized it quickly and brought my focus back. Unfortunately it is way to easy to have our minds wander off our Savior. Thanks for the reminder...

    Visiting from #RaRaLinkup!

    1. Hi Emily! Thanks for reading! It is really easy -fortunately it's also really simple to refocus!

  3. Great thoughts this morning, Bethany. :)
    I loved this phrase of yours: "Rather than “correcting our thinking” though, we can give the Lord our attention." ~ ~ Give the Lord our attention. What a picture of peace that evokes. Thank you for sharing. Happy to be visiting you from the Intentional Tuesday linkup today. ((blessings))

    1. Blessings to you, Brenda! Thank you! So much peace to be found when we're in His presence without distraction!

  4. What a great post, Bethany! I especially love this: "Rather than 'correcting our thinking' though, we can give the Lord our attention." You've given me much to ponder today, as I think about my thoughts and what I can do to be more purposeful with them. :)

  5. Was just thinking about my thoughts today, so important and often neglected. Cheering you on from the #RaRaLinkup.

  6. You know recently, I have intentionally reevaluated my thoughts and work life.
    To live longer and happier we ought to be careful of our thoughts.
    Thanks for the scriptures too.
    Many Blessings to you Bethany.

    1. We do! So glad to hear this has been on your heart, too. Blessings!

  7. Give the Lord our attention rather than focusing on what we need to correct or change in our own thoughts- Terrific advice! I love your 2 minute challenge! Blessings, Stopping by from Testimony Tuesday

    1. Thanks Debbie! We get so caught up on getting it right that we miss out on just giving it to God : ) Blessings!

  8. Oh this is wonderful. I am going to try doing this every morning from my front porch.

    1. Aw shucks! Thanks! I'll pray it's a fruitful exercise!

  9. Great post, Bethany - yes, my thoughts go haywire if I'm not intentional about taking them captive. Our pastor encouraged us a few weeks ago to "think about what we're thinking about." It's so true, we do need to give the Lord our attention and allow Him to reel in those runaway thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Tiffany! I like the word haywire -that fits for me too!! Blessings!

  10. Bethany, I love how you said our thoughts must be thoughtful and intentional. Two of the best ways I have found that help me be intentional in my thoughts is thanking God for my blessings (We all have so much to be thankful for.) and meditating on God's Word. Thank you, Bethany, for sharing your heart at #IntentionalTuesday on Intentionally Pursuing. : )

    1. Amen! Those are great tips Crystal -I'll try to put those to use :) Thanks! Blessings!

  11. Bethany,
    Thanks for this reminder! I will be so much more intentional about giving the Lord my attention! So glad you were my neighbor at #tellhisstory :-)
    Blessings and smiles,

    1. Aw, thanks Lori! Nice to "meet" you! Blessings!
